sexta-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2009

Another try

I want to be different. It just seems like I can do nothing right. I wasn't always like this though. I used to be responsible, respectful, intelligent. Not anymore. It's not just me but the fault is almost all mine. I pretend everything's alright and I run and try to forget about the problems, but they keep coming back and one day I'll have to face them.
I don't like who I am today. I hurt the ones I love the most. I disappoint my friends and my family. My life has to change.

I'm lost.

But I'll find myself again.

I promise.

terça-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2009

The spell

He resists but not for too long. He insists but he's not that strong.
He despises and that's not fair. A bad memory arises but the feeling's there.
He blocks it cause it might hurt him. Ticking clocks till the day it'll haunt him.
He's giving in and the butterflies start. That's half-way to a broken heart.
He goes on and he follows the light. He bets it will save him tonight.
He's caught by the growing sentiment. He just stepped out of his element.
He's in the dark and he's in danger. He makes love with a stranger.
He wakes up and he's not well. He was caught up in her spell.
He admits he got it wrong. He had to go through it all alone.
He has his lesson learned. An image that won't be burned.